Fairy Ring is a common disease in turf management. It is a fungus in the soil that releases nitrogen in a ring pattern. Usually rainy weather increases the amount of nitrogen released and this is why it shows up more frequently and has been more noticeable this year.
Like anything, too much of a good thing can have it's consequences. Too much nitrogen can burn the grass and eventually it will die or become severely weak. The fungus also inhibits root growth and creates a hydrophobic soil. The soil can be affected 12-24 inches below the surface.
Cultural practices such as aerification, venting and seeding have been known to help, but can be difficult in the middle of the summer. Other options are the use of fungicides and wetting agents. The fungicide helps to break down the fungus and the wetting agent allows the soil to become wet and stimulates plant growth.
In severe cases, the soil needs to be excavated out and replaced with new soil. The fungus comes back year after year.
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