Warrior Ditch Inlet Pipe

The old inlet from the Warrior Ditch to Academy Lake was in need of repair this winter. The old pipe was well past its years as it had worn out due to the years of carrying water.

First we began digging out the muck and sediment located at the mouth of the pipe. We needed to create a stable area to place the new pipe. Then back fill the area with clean packable native soil.

Next we removed the old pipe and placed the new 12" double walled plastic drain pipe in the same trench at the same elevation.

We had one irrigation crossing to go underneath as you can see in the photo.

Once the pipe was set and backfilled, we surrounded the outlet with rip rap to help slow the flow of the ditch water down as it enters the pond.

The rip rap also helps with protecting the edge of the pond from erosion.

Sediment will stay on the bank for some time to allow it to dry. Once dry it will be moved to our soil storage location and mixed with native soil to be used for future projects.
