Quite a spring we are having. Well the turf doesn't care what is going on in the world and it still requires care and maintenance. While we are trying to keep the staff and their families safe we are working on a few things.
The first area to address is a recap on the winter. We had another big snow year for Denver. Most of the course over-wintered well. But some areas were compromised.
The 4th fairway on the Maxwell took it the worst. This is classic ice damage. Shortly after a large snowfall in February we received some warm temperatures that melted the top layer of snow. That water settles down at the turf level and froze for an extended period of time.
The large trees on the south side of the fairway severely slow the melting process. This fairway is among the last to melt off on the property. Which means the ice stuck around long enough to kill the turf.
Once we noticed that these areas were not greening up we took some samples into the shop to accelerate the growth cycle. This also gives us time to plan ahead so when the weather is right for new growth, we can put forth the correct measures to repair the area.
Other fairways that have some ice damage are 9, 10, 11, 14, 15 & 18. This is strictly due to the tree population and orientation on these holes. This is reason number 1, why we remove trees planted too close to greens. As ice damage to greens can take months if not years to repair.
These fairway areas will return with our plan in place. Some warm weather, proper cultural practices and traffic management, they will return soon.
The 4th fairway on the Maxwell took it the worst. This is classic ice damage. Shortly after a large snowfall in February we received some warm temperatures that melted the top layer of snow. That water settles down at the turf level and froze for an extended period of time.
The large trees on the south side of the fairway severely slow the melting process. This fairway is among the last to melt off on the property. Which means the ice stuck around long enough to kill the turf.
Once we noticed that these areas were not greening up we took some samples into the shop to accelerate the growth cycle. This also gives us time to plan ahead so when the weather is right for new growth, we can put forth the correct measures to repair the area.
Other fairways that have some ice damage are 9, 10, 11, 14, 15 & 18. This is strictly due to the tree population and orientation on these holes. This is reason number 1, why we remove trees planted too close to greens. As ice damage to greens can take months if not years to repair.
These fairway areas will return with our plan in place. Some warm weather, proper cultural practices and traffic management, they will return soon.
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