11 Tee

Soon we will be getting into the 11th tee for improvements.

An old linden tree sat way too close to the tee box and much of the tee surface was unplayable. In fact, I'm sure the tree was planted first, then came the tee to lengthen the hole.

The tree should have been removed when the tee was built, but now we can finally make this area into a better playing surface.

Once the soil is thawed and ready, we will follow a few steps.

  1. Remove the old wall - The tee won't necessarily move further back due to grades and proximity to the boundary, but removing the wall will allow for players to tee up further back without hitting a wall with a club.
  2. Remove sod - some of the sod can be used on other areas of the property such as fill in old stump locations from some removals this winter.
  3. Remove stump and roots - I am sure some roots remain from the Linden tree that was in the area. A back hoe can spend a few hours coring out any woody remains.
  4. Level the area and rough shape the tee - The tee surface will become slightly bigger, but the main goal is to create a level surface so the entire tee may be used.
  5. Final grade and sod. Some new soil may need to be imported. 
