Tuesday was a great day and we moved fairly quick with removing sand dams around the putting green. A sod cutter and a small box blade were used to break up the soil and move it off site. Hand raking is then performed to arrive at the final grade.
A level is used to make sure that we have enough fall for water to drain off the green.
A level is used to make sure that we have enough fall for water to drain off the green.
Once the soil is at final grade we are ready to replace the sod from the green. In this case we removed two rings of sod around the entire green. This assists with a smooth transition into the collar and rough.
As we wrapped up for the day, the turf was needing some water. We also irrigated the soil surround to allow any soils to settle before applying sod back down. We plan to finish replacing sod on the green on Wednesday and sod for the remaining area will be delivered on Thursday.
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