One of the last areas to be completed are the mounds behind the 18th green. The mounds that existed there prior to the project had more of a modern look and did not fit the Maxwell design. Extra dirt from the project was used to level out those dips in the mounds to create a more even level to the mound. Some old tree roots were disturbed from a tree removed last winter that was going to be in the way of the new cart path.
The existing trees have been deep root watered through the project as the have gone without regular irrigation for the last month. There is no plan to replant any more trees on this mound. Since they are located to the south of the 18th green, adding any more trees will become a problem to the green in the future.
When trenches are dug for irrigation it is important to keep the end of the project in mind. In this picture above has a lot going on. Let me explain.
- The black 2" pipe is our HDPE irrigation supply line.
- Wire parallel with the HDPE pipe is station wire for sprinklers.
- 3/4" gray conduit pipe is for power at the driving range tee.
- The blue pex pipe is for drinking water at the range tee. The orange wire with the pex pipe is a pulling line if we need to replace or add something else to this sleeve.
- The pvc pipes on the right side of the photo are sleeves that are under the new cart path. Sleeves prevent the need to tear out and replace the cart path to repair or upgrade utilities.
- The red wire located in the top right of the intersection is a tracer wire. We put wire in with almost every stick of pipe in the ground. Having the ability to trace the wire allows us to accurately locate utilities and speed up repairs if needed in the future.
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