Clubhouse Plantings

Pinehurst Country Club
2018 New Landscape Planting

The main focal point to the new landscaping at the front door will consist of a dozen Hot Wings Maple (acer tataricum garann) trees.

These trees can handle full shun and reach about 20 feet in height at maturity. Which is about the height of the building.

In summer you will notice beautiful red seeds among the dark green leaves. In the fall the leaves turn orange/red.

Limelight Hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata) will be planted around the maples to add a large bright color. This is an American classic and emits a sweet scent all season long. They also hold up great in the winter.  

White Out Knockout Roses (Rosaceae) will add to the beauty of the new revised entrance to the clubhouse. Blooms last from spring through to the first frost. The multiple snow white flowers provide excellent fragrance. They are very noticeable at night time too when leaving the club.

This Dense Spreading Yew (Taxus x media 'Densiformis') is an excellent basic foundation planting for a hedge, screen or border. The dark green foliage backs scarlet-colored, berry-like cones. A versatile and durable evergreen that provides year-round interest in the landscape and tolerates shearing well.

For more information on grounds maintenance at Pinehurst Country Club, visit
