Golf Carts

Controlling golf cart use on the courses right now is the biggest difference we can make to provide a better golf course during the season.  The only reason for limiting golf carts is that our water availability is unclear at this time. If you are planning to come out to the golf course please check with myself or the golf shop on cart availability as it can change.

Our water rights are different from many nearby clubs so you can not compare the experiences. Our water solely depends snowmelt and river flows. It has been a less than stellar winter in regards to snowpack and it is unclear how much water is available to us for the spring.

Our storage water only completes a third of our total water for a season. Storage water should be used during the summer months and high stress periods.

There are some similarities and differences between 2017 & 2018. 

The fall of 2016 was very warm and dry which left the reservoirs low going into winter. When the ditch was turned on in the spring of 2017, the water went straight to fill reservoirs. The weather in the late winter and early spring was much warmer compared to 2018 as we saw temperatures in the 80's last February. We limited carts to only weekends in March last year too. What bailed us out in 2017 was the 6.5" of rain and snow that fell in April and May.

Currently the plants are just now coming out of dormancy. We turned our irrigation system on this week to help along the struggling areas. It is early March and there is still much to be told on how the remainder of the season will play out. 

I will be making decisions weekly on golf cart availability so please check with the golf shop before making a tee time. Limiting cart use will continue to improve conditions as we transition into the growing season.
