Japanese Beetles

They are back. The Japanese Beetle is out in full force for much of Denver. Click here and here for a couple of great websites with plenty of information. We spray the grubs each spring as they do the most damage in the spring and early fall in the grub stage. The adult stage will attack flowers in July and early August.

It is time to start thinking about different varieties of flowers for the future. Japanese Beetles are very difficult to rid in any landscape. They can travel from different properties and feed on flowers. The grubs however are usually in one spot and will revisit that location each year. This is when they are most susceptible to insecticides or other modes of action to eliminate them.

The adult stage is extremely difficult to rid. The best way to kill them is to pick them off the leaf and put them into soapy water. Crushing them on the turf is not always best because they are in the process of laying their eggs (eventually become grubs that feed on grass roots) and those eggs can still survive and get into the soil.

Using chemicals now are usually toxic to bees and even fish if you are applying near a waterway. It is better to plan now for the fall and spring. Those chemicals can be washed into the soil and target the grub stage.
