Adios Amigos

As we begin to wrap up the season up we say goodbye to our seasonal staff.  This season we were fortunate to have an excellent staff.  A large reason for this success was do our reliance of the H2B work visa program.  An H2B visa is a temporary work permit allowing a foreign national to be employed on a seasonal basis.  We had nine gentlemen who left their homes in Chihuahua or Morelos, Mexico, seven months ago to work for Pinehurst in search of a better opportunity.  They return home next week and we can’t thank them enough for their hard work.

When they arrived none of them had ever worked on a golf course, much less seen a golf ball before.  As you can imagine, things were very hectic the first month.  With a robust training program and a lot of patience and understanding they proved to be quick learners and professionals of their trade.  It has been enjoyable watching them learn what it takes to put a course together and take pride in their work.

While I know they are excited to return home to their families, they are also excited for next season.  They relish the opportunity to build on the success of this past season and look forward to learning new golf course skills in the future.

We wish them safe travels back to their homes and can’t wait to see them in the spring.

Adios Amigos and thanks to the entire grounds staff.
