Drainage, Drainage, Drainage

A number of years ago the club wisely invested in greens drainage on the Maxwell Course. Due to the native clayey soil and slow percolation rates on greens they needed a way to drain better and improve oxygen in the root zone or what turf managers call provide gas exchange.  These drains are exercised each year by flushing water through them. This way we can keep these channels clear and allow for proper drainage and air movement under the surface.

Through the season when we irrigate greens we water heavy but infrequent (in many cases once a week). This allows us to fill up the entire soil profile with water to the point where the drains are active and flush the soils. This gets the entire root zone moist but then when the drains flush they pull oxygen through the surface and into the root zone. This is a recipe for health and very playable putting surfaces here at Pinehurst.

However, the only green with a different drainage system is #2. This green was rebuilt with USGA specifications and has an all sand base. So in theory it should drain great. Unfortunately we have found that the green drains into the pond, which may sound good, but when the pond is high it backs up the drains not allowing it to drain properly. 

Over the next few days you will notice some of the staff getting down to the drains to find a better solution. Depending on where the elevations of the drains exist will depend if we can correct the issue. It is no secret that #2 has struggled in the past. Solving this issue will relieve some of the problems here that we can begin to have a healthier putting surface. 
