Goose Hunt

In effort to control the non-migratory Canada Goose populations the Pinehurst Grounds Department has once again obtained a Special Canada Goose Permit which allows us to scout nests and oil the eggs. Egg-oiling can occur from mid March through the end of August.  Corn oil is applied to the eggs in the nest; the oil prevents the eggs from developing and hatching without destroying the nest or harming the adults.  If the nest is destroyed the pair will simply build a new one typically nearby where the previous nest was located.  The March through August time frame is significant as it will only affect the non migratory geese and not the protected migratory geese.  If the eggs hatch the goslings will return the following years to build their own nest, further adding to resident goose problem.

If you live adjacent to the Pinehurst property and discover a nest on your property please contact us immediately. You can find them near bushes, under decks or other good low lying hiding spaces. We can add you to our permit and oil the eggs in your nest.  
