Go Time

It is an exciting time to be at the club as many improvements have begun for the new season. Here is a quick snapshot of what is happening.

Tennis: The remaining outdoor tennis courts at the club are getting resurfaced. The asphalt was in very poor shape and even unsafe in some cases. These new courts are made of post-tension concrete.

The first two courts were poured yesterday and weather dependent, the remaining four courts will be poured over the next week. Following the work to the courts the grounds department will have some irrigation and sod work to clean up the surrounding areas from the construction.

Tune into tennis news for the opening of the courts.

Pool: The next concrete project at the club will be an access path to the pool. Most members who visit the pool will enjoy this upgrade especially those pushing strollers. This will also double as an access path to golf during the month of April while the Bogie's parking lot is being re-surfaced.

Parking Lot: The parking lot contractor is back and will begin in the next couple of weeks. We are fine tuning the operation and will have a few changes to the process from last fall.

We will begin with the Bogie's parking lot and our goal is to have it complete and open by early May when the golf season picks up.

We will start with pouring all of the curbing so there will be some parking spots closed during this work. Once the curbing is complete we will then close the lot and begin pouring the entire lot. This work is planned to begin sometime after Easter, depending on weather.

While the Bogie's lot is closed, all golf parking will be in the two main lots. For SAFETY REASONS - ALL GOLF ACCESS will be on the east side of the clubhouse by the pool. This includes walking traffic as well. While the Bogie's lot is being resurfaced, all foot traffic will be diverted to the east side of the building. Please follow signs and there will be some shuttles run as well.

Transfer Line: Midway Lake is noticeable low and for good reason. Last season we found our transfer line from Midway to Norgren Lake was collapsed and created a sink hole. This 50+ year old metal pipe has eroded away and is time for an upgrade. Before the ditch begins to run we are replacing two 12" metal pipes with a 24" HDPE pipe. This pipe will be here for a very long time to come.

The was discussion of opening a channel through this stretch, but since it has no real bearing on the golf course we decided to keep the ditch in pipe. Not only is it more cost-effective, but it almost eliminates maintenance compared to a ditch. There is another opportunity to open the ditch on the 5th hole as it would come into play. As we address Norgren Lake in the future, we will certainly explore that idea.

Tees: New tees are underway as well. As I have written about before we are focusing on forward tees this spring to add shot variety and improve conditions for higher handicaps as well. There are a few other tees we will be leveling and gaining space.

Turf Conditions: So far so good. The golf course has fared very well through the winter months. We have only mowed greens so far. Growth is coming on, but it is limited. As the soil temperature rise we will see plants emerge and require a mowing.

Our turf covers have shown excellent results. The second green is by far our most lush green. As soil temperatures rise our goal is to improve root growth. The cover will remain out there through aerification and it will be covered during cold nights to keep in heat.

The straw mats on bunkers are looking good as well. The mats will come off over the next week or so. The irrigation system has been turned on and we are starting to go through the system and check for inefficiencies.
