The weather has slowed the process some, but achieving our turf health goals is important. Greens have come along real nice. Remember, we are not pulling a core in the fall, just venting. Venting is the act of numerous solid tine holes that opens the surface. Opening the surface allows for gas exchange in the root zone, relieves compaction, opens more channels for water percolation and better root health. We are also, seeding, adding a light topdressing of sand and applying our organic fertilizer as well.
This year, our new deep tine aerator is in action as we are creating channel 7-8" deep!
Tees and collars are taking the brunt of the work this fall. We are using a machine called the graden, which is an aggressive verticut machine, which removes a lot of thatch. This provides excellent avenues for new sand and seed as we continue to incorporate ryegrass into these areas.
Fairways are being vented as well on all 27 holes. Later this week we will follow up with a light topdress on them. The heavy topdress for fairways will happen in late October and early November.
This year, our new deep tine aerator is in action as we are creating channel 7-8" deep!
Tees and collars are taking the brunt of the work this fall. We are using a machine called the graden, which is an aggressive verticut machine, which removes a lot of thatch. This provides excellent avenues for new sand and seed as we continue to incorporate ryegrass into these areas.
Fairways are being vented as well on all 27 holes. Later this week we will follow up with a light topdress on them. The heavy topdress for fairways will happen in late October and early November.
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