Aerification Information Next Week

Aerification season is upon us. Yes, it is the best time of year to golf as well.

Last year we changed our aerification procedures. We have reserved the spring for removing material and burying them in sand.

In the fall our goal is to provide oxygen to the greens by venting them. It also breaks up compaction and allows for better water percolation. We will remove a little bit of thatch by verticutting the surface and adding a layer of sand for smoothness. Deep tine venting will also happen on greens this fall which will help prepare the greens for winter and spring drainage too.

Tees and approaches will take the burden this fall as we aim to remove a heavy amount of thatch. We will be aggressively verticutting these areas followed by seed and plenty of sand.

Fairways will only be vented this fall as well. Topdressing fairways will begin toward the end of October.

The golf courses will be closed from Monday through Wednesday to complete all of the necessary maintenance without disturbing golf. The courses will re-open Thursday for great fall golf.
