Frost Damage

 Recent cold temperatures have slowed growth on the golf course. The greens are still healing from aerification. But not much grows during cold temperatures . Frost still lingers this spring, but we are forecasting warmer days so frost may go away soon for a while.

Yesterday we hosted the longest day of golf  to benefit the Sanger Foundation and the Whitmore Family. We held off the group to start the day as they were ready to go at 6am. We had to hold them back about 45 minutes due to frost. Fortunately, we did or the damage could have been greater.

Since 14 and 15 receive good sunlight early in the morning, we decided to let them start on these two holes only. In case of persistent frost we would isolate it to a couple of holes. We have good stands of turf in these locations as the rough at 14 tee took the worst of the morning.

This is a prime example of why we have frost delays. The cells in the leaf blades shatter with the imprints and we have die back on the leaf blades. There was no crown damage so the plants will grow out of the damage. It just may look ugly for a while. We have spiked the area and added some fertilizer to move things along. It was for a good cause.
