Bunker Spring Maintenance

Each year there is no shortage to bunker work. Alfonso is an artist when it comes to getting them back into shape for the season. Some south facing bunker faces did not make it through the winter and need to be re-sodded.

Working on slopes is tricky. The first step is to preserve the sand in the bunker. As soil is exposed, we are careful to not contaminate the bunker sand. Precision sod cutting is required on the slopes to allow new sod to match up correctly.

Once the new sod is in place, these south facing areas are prone to sun intensity and need extra care. Proper fertilizer, water and wetting agent applications are required.

Below, Matt is checking sand depths as the staff works on getting traps into top shape for the season. Our goal is to maintain sand from 4-6 inches in depth through the bunker. Sand is displaced throughout the bunker because of wind, rain, snow melt and from play.

Numerous times through the season we check our sand depths to provide consistent conditions around the course. These checks allow us to direct the staff on which direction to rake sand. We find that adding more sand to the bunkers helps each year to replace sand that has been removed from wind or through the act of play. It also refreshes the quality of sand as it degrades over time.
