March Madness

It's March Madness for Golf Course Maintenance too. There is a lot going on out on the golf courses to prepare for the golf season. Projects such as irrigation, landscaping, sod work, tee renovation and aerification preparations are all in the works.
The irrigation system was started and we will spend the next couple of weeks checking heads and valves to make sure the system is ready for the new system. Occasionally heads come out of adjustment and some minor repairs need to occur.

The 15th tee is coming along nicely, now that the soil has dried from the recent snows. The old "runway" shaped tee has been split into three tees. The tees are level and a little wider. You will notice the tees are shaped around the windmill hillside. The deeper tee locations have to navigate the hillside. It is more of an aesthetic difference than for playability. We think you will like the new look 15th tee.

Some new equipment has been delivered recently. This large red unit above is a deep tine aerifier. This will be used on greens this spring to maintain drainage and the great conditions of the greens. This practice will eventually be used on the tees, fairways and roughs to improve drainage and develop stronger root systems throughout the property.

Little sod projects and course cleaning is also going on for the new year. As we are approaching aerification, buttoning up small projects is critical, so we can then focus on healing up from aerification and getting on with the golf season.

Another small project this spring is beautifying the bathrooms and irrigation pump house on the golf course. New shrubs and flowers are being planted this spring.
