17 Tee

The 17th tee renovation is underway. The turf on the tee is being completely tilled under. There was a myriad of grasses and none were salvageable. The surrounding sod has been cut and laid under the trees next to the tee to be used later. The surface will be sodded with all bluegrass, similar to the 5th tee last spring.

There is so much good soil and organic matter in this location no soil will be removed. Some topsoil will be added as necessary. The tee will not raise in elevation, soil will be added to widen to increase space. The tilling also takes care of some minor tree roots under the tee as well. Some tree trimming is being done to open up the playing corridor. The hole will not increase in length.

Once the main tee is completed, the forward tee will be next. Our goal with the forward tee is to double in size and level. There are temporary tees in place for play through the fall and winter until the new sod can root successfully and handle consistent play.
