Summer Stress

During the grind of the golf season cart traffic and soil conditioning need to be managed. You will notice a few areas around the course that have extra stakes and signage. We please ask that all golfers choose the path less traveled and watch where you are going with motorized and push carts.

With our clayey soils combined with heat stress, these areas do not recover well with frequent cart traffic. On Monday, the staff aerified, seeded, topdressed with compost and fertilized a few areas of the golf course to begin recovery. Throughout the season we continue to spike many areas of the course to break up soils and relieve compaction. It also allows oxygen into the soil and improves root health.

If you remember back in the spring, due to the late snows, we missed the opportunity to aerify many of the roughs and now these areas are showing their true colors. These areas will rebound quicker with the golfer cooperation in regards to traffic and helping the golf course look and play beautiful.
