Healthy Greens

Greens are healthy. Which is perfect, especially during highly stressful times in the growing season. The greens were stressed for the member guest to meet faster tournament speeds. Proper recovery allows for the success of the remaining season.

Nothing stresses a plant more than mowing. Recently we reduced mowing frequency to assist with stress relief. This practice allows the plant greater leaf surface to increase photosynthesis and get plants back on the right track. We also vented greens on Monday to allow for oxygen to enter the soil to increase root health and development during the summer stress. Coupled with cooler temperatures, the greens responded overwhelmingly and  green speeds slowed. Now that the plants are healthy we can focus on regaining normal green speeds.

It can be dangerous pushing green speeds through the stressful times of the year. Especially with as much poa annua as we have in our greens. We continue to see great development in bentgrass populations in our greens, but to rid poa completely, is a lengthy process. Bentgrass can handle stress and disease prevention much greater than the little old poa annua plant.

Another advantage here is that disease can develop and affect stressed turf which can be unpleasant for the remaining season. During prolonged heat, we will continue to monitor green speeds for a short period of time so that we do not risk the long term health of the putting surfaces. Lightweight rolling can help with maintaining green speeds.
