Do not forget to water your trees. They are easily affected from the dry conditions as well. They don't need much, especially the young trees, as they can be over watered too. Twenty-five gallons per tree is plenty.
Stuck on how to measure 25 gallons with your garden hose? Simply fill a 5 gallon bucket with water and count the seconds it takes to fill. Multiply those seconds by 5 and you have your 25 gallon rate through your hose.
Make sure to water evenly around your tree. Do not just water the base, spread it out through the drip line of the tree. Bigger trees may require slightly more water, but these trees are not actively growing right now, so there is no need to over apply.
Stuck on how to measure 25 gallons with your garden hose? Simply fill a 5 gallon bucket with water and count the seconds it takes to fill. Multiply those seconds by 5 and you have your 25 gallon rate through your hose.
Make sure to water evenly around your tree. Do not just water the base, spread it out through the drip line of the tree. Bigger trees may require slightly more water, but these trees are not actively growing right now, so there is no need to over apply.
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