
Bentrgass turning being phased out of the chipping
green approach.
This fall we are performing some turfgrass trials on the property in the name of providing consistent playing conditions for the future.

This blog post is focused on a trial that is visible to golfers this fall. Over time, bentgrass has found a home in various tees, fairways and approaches. The patches of bent in these areas have become very spongy, unsightly, difficult to play from and challenging to maintain. The goal is to provide a consistent stand of blue and ryegrass in these areas.

Patches of bentgrass in 17 fairway and approach
The trial is being performed on the chipping green approach. The product that is being used has been used safely in golf for over four years now. As you can see in this photo, the bentgrass is turning white. The product is selective to bentgrass and prevents the plant from processing photosynthesis. As the bentgrass slowly thins out, it provides room for bluegrass and ryegrass to take over. Two or three applications are required to eliminate the bentgrass effectively. Repeat applications may be required in the spring along with an aggressive seed program.

New seedlings of ryegrass coming up in aerification holes
We are finding very encouraging results early in the trial. We are seeing new seedlings popping up already. By next season we should have a consistent playing surface at the chipping green approach. Then we will determine the best approach to effectively implement this to the golf courses.
