
We recorded .75 inches of moisture on Monday. A slow and steady rain fell beginning Sunday night and into Monday afternoon. We couldn't ask for anything better at this time. A slow rainfall allows for adequate soaking into the rootzone. Sunday we recorded 5 inch roots in some greens which is double the depth of historical findings in these greens. A deep watering yesterday is the perfect recipe for continued success.

Our water supply for irrigation has been thinner than normal and a very dry spring. The current snow pack is at 16% across the state and 24% in the South Platte River Basin.
Last week we had to dip into our storage water for irrigation. This week's rain will put a hold on that storage. Echo Mountain's SNOTEL station reported 7 new inches of powder and .9 inches of moisture. Bear Creek was recorded at 15 cfs on Sunday and has jumped to 23 cfs today.
This is temporary relief, but we will take it. The golf course is certainly rebounding from the dry conditions and areas are beginning to green up in spots.
Our course wide fertilizer application begins this week. Both courses should be looking like a princess again by the weekend.
