Course Conditions and Practice Bunker Update

Conditions are greening up out there and the course is playing fast and firm right now. The greens, fairways and tees have all been mowed once, so let the season begin! 
The long snow cover is long gone and the irrigation has been on for the last two weeks. It doesn't help that we are amidst the driest March on record in Denver. After 23 days in March we have recorded no moisture. We could use a soaking rain or even (dare I say it) snowfall to generate more growth on the course. Of course you know any snow now would only prevent some morning tee times.

Alfonso using a 2x4 to level out areas of
the expanded chipping green.
As for the status on the course projects; the practice bunker project is the final step. All areas will be completed on Monday for sod installation on Tuesday. Back in the early winter we cut the lip down so a player can see their shot on the green from the bunker. Lowering the lip of the bunker, will allow room to expand the green as well.
Our project superintendent Alfonso Orozco and the staff have done a great job with the tee boxes and re-shaping the edges of the practice bunker.
