The entire golf course is open for play, at least for now. More snow is in the forecast. We are through most of the winter and the days are getting longer. The course battled through the prolonged snow cover nicely. There was no ice damage on any of the short grass and very little snow mold.
If you are looking for snowmold, you will find it in shady areas that don’t drain well. Snow mold is a soil borne pathogen that develops after long periods of snow cover and stagnant conditions. It is very similar to finding moldy food in the refrigerator. In most cases, such as what we have found, you do not need to discard the turf. Healthy turfgrass plants will prevail.
An aggressive power rake or sweeping will remove the mycelium and any excess organic matter from the plant. Aerification can help with oxygen into the soil for the plant to breathe. The best remedy is sunlight, warmer temperatures and a little fertilizer. These ingredients allow the plant to grow out of the disease and return to a healthy state.
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