Tractor Days

As the leaves continue to drop around the course, the staff is busy staying on top of agronomic practices. Each tractor in our possession is out on the course this week. They are being used to sweep leaves, aerify roughs and topdress fairways.

Last week we began aerifying roughs around the entire property. It is a time consuming and highly important activity, but non-invasive to the golfer.

Yesterday  we started topdressing fairways. We spent a majority of the morning trying different application rates and methods to find the right fit. It is important to apply a sufficient amount of sand to the fairways this time of year.

The benefits of sand topdressing are almost endless. They dilute thatch and clayey soils, increase water infiltration in the root zone, increases rooting capacity, provides better nutrient and oxygen availability and protects the crown of the plant in the winter.

From a golfer's perspective the sand helps fill in divots and uneven lies. Most of all, continuous topdressing each year promotes a faster and firmer golf course.
